Tell us a bit about yourself and your achievements to date

I’m Da Huang from China, you can also call me Karex. I’ve just kicked off my PhD at RMIT University in late 2019. I suppose getting the program admission itself can already count as one of my biggest achievements so far.

What are your goals for the future?

Let’s not talk about my life being a researcher for now. I have a dream of becoming a freelance photographer and probably starting my own small business from there.

Why are you excited about being a Study Melbourne Student Ambassador?

It’s absolutely my privilege to become one of the 2020 Study Melbourne Ambassadors! Being in such a position, I believe I will have more chances to help struggling international students – like I used to be when I first came to Australia.

What do you love most about living and studying in Melbourne?

To be honest, there are so many things I ‘love most’ about Melbourne – the food, the coffee culture, the vibe of art and music. But if I have to choose one thing only, I would say the lovely and friendly people here.

What is the most useful advice you ever received when you faced a challenging time as an international student?

Most universities provide free or low fee mental health and wellbeing services for their students, which I find really useful for myself. Also, there are many wellness student associations where you can find people who face the same challenges and who heart-warmingly support each other.