Recently, we had the chance to sit down with Yuze Lu, a student from China who recently completed a Master's degree in Melbourne at Monash University. Monash is one of Melbourne's prestigious universities, ranking 44th globally in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2023.

During our interview with Yuze, we wanted to learn what he thinks it's like to study in Melbourne and hear about his experience living in the city. We asked him about his thoughts on the safety of Melbourne and the cost of living.

If you're considering studying or living in Melbourne, you won't want to miss Yuze has to say about his experiences in this vibrant city. Keep reading to learn more!

What it’s like to study in Melbourne

Why did you choose to study in Melbourne?

“First, there are many of the world’s top universities to choose from. Second, I know Melbourne is a liveable city with many beautiful scenic places. You don’t need to spend much to enjoy the beauty of Melbourne. Lastly, Melbourne offers some of the best food in the world because of its multicultural background.”

What do you love about Melbourne?

“The arts, culture and diversity are my favourites. Melbourne is a multicultural city that regularly celebrates its diversity through cultural festivals and events.”

What University do you attend, and what course did you study?

“I studied at Monash University, and completed a Master of Communications and Media Studies.”

What made you feel warm and welcomed when you first arrived in Melbourne? Is it safe?

“Yes, our university offered a free airport pick-up service when I first arrived in Melbourne. I felt a sense of warmth and belonging. There are also many clubs where I have made many friends through table tennis. When I go to Chinatown, Boxhill and Glen Waverley, there are many Chinese restaurants and Asian Supermarkets, which remind me of home.”

What advice would you give to someone considering coming to Melbourne to study?

“Hopefully, you can attend activities and enjoy your study life. Be brave enough to step out of your comfort zone and make friends with others.”

Is there anything you wish you had known before moving to Melbourne?

“The weather changes daily. Some days it is very warm, other days you need a coat.”

I would recommend studying in Melbourne because…

“There are many chances to improve yourself. I cherish the experience of studying in Melbourne, and have tried to experience as much as possible to enrich my study life.”

Interested in studying in Melbourne? Here’s what else you need to know

Is Melbourne safe?

One of the reasons Melbourne is a top international study destination is that it is a safe place to live.

According to The Economist’s safe cities index, Melbourne regularly ranks in the top safest cities in the world.

Melbourne has a low crime rate, and it is safe to walk around or catch public transport.

As Yuze said in his interview, he loved the multiculturalism of Melbourne while still being able to connect with Melbourne’s Chinese community.

No matter where you come from, you can find a community of people who share your culture in Melbourne.

Don’t forget that Melbourne offers free services at the Study Melbourne Hub, where you can get support and advice whenever you need it.

So, is Melbourne safe for international students? Definitely, Yes!

Is it expensive to live in Melbourne?

Another reason why many international students choose to study in Melbourne is the cost of living.

The cost of living in Melbourne is generally lower than in Sydney and major cities in the United States and Canada, according to Mercer’s 2022 cost of living survey.

For a large city of about 5 million people, Melbourne offers many exciting experiences to Melbourne students at a much lower cost than other big cities.

To help save money while studying in Melbourne, students often consider:

  • Shared accommodation: One of the biggest expenses in Melbourne is housing, so look for shared accommodation options to save money
  • Student discounts: Many businesses offer discounts to students. You will also be given a Student ID card when you arrive, which will help you gain access to student discounts
  • Cooking at home: There are lots of grocery stores in Melbourne, so you can cook food at home
  • Financial assistance: There are community and university groups dedicated to supporting students in need.

You can learn more about the cost of living using Study Australia’s cost of living estimator tool.

Want to study in Melbourne?

Yuze’s experience shows just how life-changing and rewarding it can be to study in Melbourne.

Melbourne ranks as a very safe place to live and offers free resources and support for international students through the Study Melbourne Hubs:

If you’re ready to take the next step, visit our Course Finder to discover what courses are available in Melbourne and Victoria.